Paige Kellgren

Paige started her yoga journey in 2021. She quickly fell in love with yin yoga and meditation, as it allowed her to find connection with her mind, body, and soul that she had never experienced before. As her practice continued to grow, she quickly realized that she wanted to share this experience with others. Paige began teaching in 2022 and in April of 2023 began her teaching journey at PurYoga. She studied under Melissa Sebes of the Empower Yoga Teacher Training Program and completed the program in April 2022 receiving her RYT-200 hr. Paige also received her RYT-30 hr yin yoga certification through the Empower Yoga Teacher Training Program with Melissa Sebes as well.

Paige is a wife and dog mom, who loves to camp, hike, and spend time in nature. She enjoys forest bathing and meditating in the woods, connecting her practice to her peace. She is forever honored and grateful to Melissa Sebes and Shannon Shugart for believing in her and giving her the opportunity to share her love of yoga with others. She’d also like to thank Pat Williams, her first ever yoga teacher, for giving her the courage to chase after her dreams. Paige would lastly like to extend her gratitude to all of her students, for inspiring her each and every day to continue to learn, grow, and be the advocate that yoga is for everybody.


Mike Adams


Shannon Shugart